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Administrative, tax and legal consulting

Dos Consulting - la Firma

Social Security Benefits

  • Comprehensive advice regarding social security benefits
  • Calculations and planning
  • Retirement, widowhood, permanent disability and unemployment

Nóminas Dos Consulting


  • Comprehensive advice and management of staff issues for businesses and freelancers in their various special social security systems (artists, senior management, domestic service)
  • Hiring and firing of employees
  • Contracts, modifications and agreements of any nature regarding the employment contract
  • Management and preparation of wage slips and payment orders
  • Preparation and processing of RNT (Employee Wage List) and RLC (Contribution Payment List) listing bulletins
  • Preparation and processing of forms 111, 190 and 145
  • Changes and incidents with the Social Security General Treasury

Defence in Social Courts and Tribunals

  • Support and representation with the mediation, arbitration and conciliation centre
  • Support and representation with labour and social security inspections
  • Support and defence in employment and social security lawsuits
  • Preparation of lawsuits, pleadings and appeals for work-related administrative authorities and judicial bodies
  • Collective dismissals
  • Proceedings for the substantial modification of working conditions
  • Conflicts and collective agreements

Contact Us

Do you need advice on the preparation of a contract or assistance before a labor inspection?

We can help you in this and many other issues of labor or business.

C/ Muntaner 200 1º 4ª 08036 Barcelona
+34 934145016 | +34 934145162 | +34 932007012
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