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Privacy Policy

Who is the Manager of the treatment of his data?


CIF: B-58030248

Address: 08036 Barcelona, street Muntaner, 200, 1r4*t

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

With which purpose treat his personal data?

At DOS CONSULTING, S.L.P. We treat the information that facilitate us the persons interested at contacting with us for postal road, electronics or telephonic, with the purpose to respond his queries and can inform it for postal road, telephonic or electronic on our products, services, novelties and events of DOS CONSULTING, S.L.P.. They will not take decisions automated on the base of this information.

For how long we will conserve his data?

The proportionate personal data will conserve until it solicit his suppression or revoke his consent for the interested. To revoke his consent can present his application at the account of post: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Which is the legitimation for the treatment of his data?

The legal base for the treatment of his data for the purpose to be able to respond his queries and inform it on our products, services, novelties and events of DOS CONSULTING, S.L.P., it is the contribution of the consent.

Which are his royalties when facilitates us his data?

  • Any person has right at obtaining confirmation on if at DOS CONSULTING, S.L.P. We are treating personal data that concern the ones, or no.

  • The persons interested have right at accessing at his personal data, as well as at soliciting the rectification of the inaccurate data or, if necessary, solicit his suppression when, among other motives, the data no longer are necessary for the purposes that go being collected.

  • At determinate circumstances, the interested will be able to solicit the limitation of the treatment of his data, at this case only will conserve the ones for the exercise or the defence of reclamations.

  • At determinate circumstances and for motives related with his particular situation, the interested will be able to oppose at the treatment of his data. DOS CONSULTING, S.L.P. It will cease to treat the data, except for imperative legitimate motives, or the exercise or the defence of possible reclamations.

  • The interested will be able to solicit the portability of his data at support automated at another manager.

  • At the moment of the cancellation of the data, only will conserve the ones blockaded at fulfillment of legal obligations.

It can consult more information on his royalties or present a reclamation in front of the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data at . To exert the royalties of access, rectification, suppression, opposition, portability of the data, limitation of the treatment or solicit the revocation of the consent loaned, can direct at the DOS CONSULTING, S.L.P. Routing an e-mail at #This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How have obtained his data?

The personal data that treat at DOS CONSULTING, S.L.P. They proceed of the own interested

The categories of data that treat are:

  • Data of identification
  • Codes or clefs of identification
  • Postal addresses or electronics

How we guarantee the security of his data?

We adopt the necessary measures to eschew his alteration, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account at all times of the state of the tech